Historic Preservation
Working Together to Maintain Forest Hill's Historic Character
The mission of the Historic Preservation Committee is to advocate for the Forest Hill Historic District and the Forest Hill neighborhood through strengthening its collective historic integrity, maintaining the historic character of individual homes, and educating new and prospective homeowners within the district.
We are proud of the homes in our historic district and the Historic Preservation Committee strives to help long-time residents and newcomers alike maintain the historic character of Forest Hill. With the goal of preservation, conservation, and neighborhood beautification, our Committee works to assist homeowners and residents with a wide variety of resources. The committee members also keep their eyes on vacant properties to make sure they are being properly maintained until they are sold.
One of the reasons our neighborhood is special is its historic character, and to keep that character intact there are rules that homeowners must understand and respect. We are committed to educating our residents on these rules, issued and sanctioned by the City of Newark and the State of New Jersey, that specify the process of updating a home’s exterior. The process is simple. If you want to change your home’s exterior paint color, siding, windows, doors, entrance, porch, roof, fencing, garage, driveway, or front landscaping including removing trees, that is - change any part of your property that is visible from a public street - you must file an application with the Newark Landmarks & Historic Preservation Commission (NLHPC) at least one month before you plan to start work. In other words, if you plan to change any part of your property that is visible from the street, download this application, and complete it by describing your proposed work in as much detail as possible. The link to the application form is here. Fill it out and file it. Note that even solar panels, while possibly beneficial, can only be installed in a historic district if they cannot be seen from any public street.
Because Forest Hill is a historic district, its homeowners must file an application with the NLHPC before starting any exterior renovations, even though the State of New Jersey has recently relaxed its permitting requirements. In a Historic District, the Historic Zoning Ordinances take precedence. NLHPC will review applications to make sure that a homeowner’s plans fit in with the neighborhood and adhere to the State and City’s guidelines for historic properties. This process ensures the retention of the historic character of the Forest Hill neighborhood. ​
To learn more, call the office of the Newark Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission at 973-733-6204. Or you can contact the Historic Preservation Committee at historicforesthill@gmail.com for help in understanding the rules.
Co-Chairs: Michele Butchko & Cathie Longendyck