Resident Resources
Living in the the Forest Hill Historic District means that your home has special historical, cultural, or aesthetic value and is an important part of Newark's heritage.
Forest Hill Historic District Homeowner Guide: This Guide is issued by the City of Newark to assist owners of historic properties throughout the city, including Forest Hill. It also appears on the City of Newark website, where you can also access other, related information. This Guide focuses primarily on the responsibilities of homeowners who are renovating or restoring their historic homes. It details how to apply to the Newark Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission (NLHPC) for renovations on the exterior of homes and grounds. Although homeowners in non-historic areas of the City may no longer need to obtain a permit from the City for their proposed exterior renovations, but because Forest Hill is a historic district, its homeowners still have to check with the NLHPC first because those rules take precedence. NLHPC will review applications to make sure that a homeowner’s plans fit in with the neighborhood and adhere to the State and City’s guidelines for historic properties. This process ensures the retention of the historic character of the Forest Hill neighborhood.